ORBilu is the "Open Repository and Bibliography" infrastructure of the University of Luxembourg. It builds on top of the ORBi infrastructure, developed at the Université de Liège. ORBilu is well connected to the repository and scholarly communication landscape. It is registered in the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) and follows the Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies (ROARMAP). It acts as the National Open Access Desk for Luxembourg in the OpenAIRE initiative and is associated with the Open Access Policy Alignment Strategies for European Union Reseach (PASTEUR4OA) as well as the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR).
Melusina uses ORBilu in order to make its publications visible in academic search engines such as the Bielefeld Academisch Search Engine (BASE) or Google Scholar. It refers to the ORBilu team in order to stay compliant to the needs and requirements of the library and repository landscape. Finally, Melusina uses ORBilu in order to assure secure long term preservation of its publications.
Manifold Scholarship
Manifold is an open-source publishing platform built by scholars and publishers. It's responsive, accessible, intuitive, customizable, and opinionated. With Manifold, you can publish materials you already produce or use it to build something new together with your colleagues and students. Manifold is used widely by university presses to publish digital monographs and collected editions, by faculty to publish work-in-progress and open course materials, by students to publish course-related writing and creative projects, and by scholarly collectives to publish journals and archival materials.
Melusina Press uses Manifold for its online presence and as main access point to its publications. Manifold's annotation functionality offers us an easy way to organise review processes. It's capability to manage supplemental material and associate external resources enable us to offer extended versions of our publications in the web.
Prince is a converter that transforms XML compliant data such as HTML into PDF. It enables comprehensive typesetting via Cascading Stylesheets (CSS) and thereby significantly extends CSS' own paged media functionality in order to match the needs for professional typesetting of publishing houses.
Melusina Press uses Prince in its publication pipeline to automatically generate screen PDFs as well as master copies for printing of its publications.