Gender and Education in Luxembourg and Beyond

Local Challenges and New Perspectives

by Sylvie KergerLaurence Brasseur 


The aim of this book is to provide a starting point for a discussion about gender and education in Luxembourg through national and international perspectives.

The book is divided into three different, yet also overlapping, parts. The first part examines gender issues in nonformal and informal educational contexts, such as the home but also society at large. In the second part of the book, we move over the gender issues in formal education. And the third part of the book is devoted to gender considerations in working life.

Exploring various aspects of gender and education and coming from a range of different backgrounds, the authors of this book all share a common endeavour: the fight against gender inequality and the belief in the importance of an egalitarian education. We hope that this book will provide a point of departure for a reflection on existing educational practices – in Luxembourg and beyond.

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  • Introduction

    by Sylvie Kerger, Laurence Brasseur 
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  • Author Information

    by Sylvie Kerger
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    Melusina Press
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    CC BY-SA 4.0
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    University of Luxembourg
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