Fleeing Shadows

Escaping the Embered Winter of Ukraine

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Arman Nasri

"Fleeing Shadows: A Winter Escape from Ukraine" recounts the traumatic journey of a group of friends, caught amidst the chaos and devastation of war-torn Ukraine. As conflict engulfs their lives, they embark on a perilous journey to seek refuge, navigating through troublesome situations and treacherous borders. Amidst the icy winds of winter, they traverse landscapes scarred by violence, encountering both allies and adversaries along the way. Through moments of fear, desperation, and fleeting hope, they grapple with the realities of displacement and the uncertainty of the future. Their odyssey is marked by encounters with strangers turned saviors, navigating through a world where humanity is tested, and survival is paramount. "Fleeing Shadows" is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, a gripping narrative of survival, friendship, and the enduring quest for sanctuary amidst the shadows of war.

Cover Image: Bahareh Shafiepour


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